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BT008 - Virgo August 23 - September 22

Inside - Virgo - The Virgin

Virgos are said to be innocent, wide-eyed, conscientious and dedicated. You can be an industrious go-getter, finding work as a source of excitement as you rack up the accomplishments.

Yeah, right!

Basically, you are a detail-obsessed fusspot. Your constant nitpicking drives your friends insane, but you cannot take criticism in return. You have a spiteful tongue, few manners and little tact.

You are not that interested in sex and are the type that falls asleep while screwing. You hate intimacy and would prefer sex sanitized and "by the book". Nobody can live up to your expectations. You are too irritating for anyone to live with you.

Happy Birthday!
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BT008 - Virgo August 23 - September 22

Inside - Virgo - The Virgin

Virgos are said to be innocent, wide-eyed, conscientious and dedicated. You can be an industrious go-getter, finding work as a source of excitement as you rack up the accomplishments.

Yeah, right!

Basically, you are a detail-obsessed fusspot. Your constant nitpicking drives your friends insane, but you cannot take criticism in return. You have a spiteful tongue, few manners and little tact.

You are not that interested in sex and are the type that falls asleep while screwing. You hate intimacy and would prefer sex sanitized and "by the book". Nobody can live up to your expectations. You are too irritating for anyone to live with you.

Happy Birthday!